Mothers Day Farm to Table Dinner 2024

We will have our annual Mothers Day farm to table dinner on Sunday afternoon, May 12, at 3:00. Although our menu is subject to change, since we rely on what is ripe at the time, we have a proposed menu. The cost is $60 per person. All events at Laughing Frog Farm are BYOB. Our great well water will be served. All sales are final unless the event is rescheduled due to weather, when a full refund would be available. We limit the dinner to 22 people. Tickets

80% sold out as of April 20.

Organic Bedding plants for the spring 2024

We have the following available in 4″ pots at the Urban Harvest Farmers Market starting mornings 8 til noon..

These are grown from certified organic seed, in our compost, fertilised with Microlife organic fertiliser.

Pricing: $4.00 each 6 for $20.00. 12 for 35.00


Greek Oregano

Bouquet Dill.


Carmen Pepper. Sweet Italian frying pepper – red

Escamillo Pepper. Sweet Italian frying pepper – yellow

Mellow Star Shishito Pepper

Flaming Flare Pepper. Fresno wildly hot red 3-4” 2500-10,000 shu

Early jalapeño. Small and hot   3,500-8,000 shu

Helios Habanero. Very hot orange.  150,000-325,000 shu

Hot Paper Lantern Pepper Hot red 3” 200,000-450,000 shu


Orient Express Eggplant. Long Asian eggplant


Celebrity tomato. Dependable F1 hybrid

Cherokee purple tomato. Dark skin, full flavoured heirloom

Grand Marshal Tomato. NEW to me. Sets fruit in the heat they say

Juliet Tomato. Red small grape tomato

Sungold Tomato. Yellow snacker


Strawflower, mixed colors

Strawflower, copper red

Zinnas, giant lime

Zinna, giant red

Lamb Stew with stout beer

This is my recipe that was published in Edible Houston. In that article I also explain how I make my bone broth. We served this stew at a Slow Foods dinner at the farm in 2018.

  • 2 pounds lamb stew meat, cubed
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil or more—it never hurts to have too much olive oil.
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3–4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp cumin seed
  • 1 can of stout beer
  • 4 cups (or more) of bone broth ( I prefer lamb, but use any good broth)
  • 1 twig fresh thyme and 1 rosemary sprig, tied in a bunch for easy removal
  • 1 large carrot, cut in rounds
  • 1 lb Potatoes. ( or how many you want)
  • Any other vegetables you would like.
  • Season lamb stew meat with salt and pepper and sauté in olive oil over medium-high heat until browned on all sides. Remove meat from the pan. Add some more olive oil if needed and brown the onion on medium-low heat until translucent, scraping up the bits of stuck browned meat as you go. Add the carrots and cook for another couple minutes. Stir in the garlic and cumin and cook for 30 seconds. Pour the stout beer into the hot pan to deglaze. Add the browned meat, tied herbs and about 3 cups bone broth (lamb, beef or chicken) and simmer for about 2 hours on low heat.
  • Bring back to a full boil, add the potatoes, etc. and continue to cook over medium heat until the potatoes are done.
  • Garnish with fresh rosemary and thyme

Saving Daylight

I can’t believe that we are going to lose an hour tonight, right in the middle of the busiest time of the year—planting the spring garden.

I told the dogs and the sheep that they would not get fed at 6:00am tomorrow but would have to wait until 7:00.  The sheep stared at me incredulously and baaaa-ed their disapproval. Dogs are not capable of being incredulous. 

I explained that the powers that be found this change necessary in order to save daylight.  The animals were unaware that daylight was in danger. The sheep cocked their heads showing their skepticism, and the dogs lowered their heads but raised their eyes.

Eventually the sheep turned and walked away saying “mehhh”.   One dog lifted his leg, and the others reinforced his opinion in the same spot.

I guess they do not have respect for the decisions that the powers that be make in order to save daylight.

Nevertheless, the extra hour of daylight they saved will help the garden grow. 

Permaculture Gardening and a Seven Layer Forest Garden

We are again offering a class on planning and planting your permaculture garden. This time we will focus on the seven layer forest garden; planting perennial fruit trees, bushes, herbs and vines with winter vegetables, and ground cover plants. The class will be on Sunday, Dec. 4 from 10:00am until about 2:00 or 3:00pm.

We have experience raising crops for culinary purposes in this area and want to share the successes and help you avoid some of the failures we have had. The class will include soil preparation, plant selection, irrigation, seed starting and saving, site planning, use of livestock, and what it takes to make gardening flow and turn the environmental problems into assets.

The class will include short presentations about permaculture and organic principles, soil health, and the use of natural assets. This is not just an idea and theory class –THERE IS NO POWER POINT!–but a hands on experience. We will design gardens taking into account the sun and shade, winds, water flow and companion planting while trying to obtain a bountiful yield. We will make beds with swales and berms, plant fruit trees, vines, shrubs, ground covers, herbs, vegetables and root crops–all in one area, benefiting one another. The main focus will be on perineal, but annuals will be mixed in. You will get your hands in the dirt. We will discuss interplanting and plant rotations, make compost tea and see how a permaculture garden might work.

Winter is a prime time to garden in the gulf coast region. Weed and insect pressure is minimal and the temperatures are usually tolerable.

The basic idea of the layered forest garden is creating an environment where each plant contributes to the overall ecosystem. Large fruit trees create summer shade and transpire moisture, vines take advantage of vertical space, shrubs that fruit in the spring grow under the deciduous fruit trees that have lost their leaves, vegetable plants that like shade can be planted in one area and those that like sun in another, a ground cover like herbs, squash or strawberries will hold in moisture and inhibit weed growth, and root crops grow below the surface. Such a garden needs very little attention and holds moisture well, whether we are talking about flood or drought.

My online store is selling it as an item for pickup. It is not. It is a class at the farm on Dec. 4 at 10:00am. I hope I can fix that problem but me and computers are not always compatible.

The class costs $40.00 per person Tickets

If weather makes cancellation necessary a full refund will be available.

Planting Citrus Trees

Planting Citrus trees in the ground in Houston

The best time to plant citrus is in March or April after the chance of frost is hopefully gone. Choose a spot with a high elevation where it drains well (not a sink hole). Citrus trees need at least six hours of sunlight to fruit reliably. More sunlight would mean more fruit.
If you plant in the spring prune any overly aggressive branches sticking out from the formed head. Do not prune in the fall. Pruning stimulates new growth.
Dig a hole twice the size of the pot and only as deep as the pot. Fill the hole with water to make sure the water will drain.  If it does not drain in 4 or 5 hours you will need to build a raised bed for the tree. Put the plant in the center of the hole and fill around it with the soil that came out of the hole. It is ok if the level is an inch higher than the ground, but not ok if it is an inch lower. That will cause ponding and roots don’t like to drown. Do not add compost or fertilizer to the soil you are putting back in.
Top dress with three inches of mulch and/or compost to the drip line but not touching the trunk.  Mulch helps insulate the soil, aids bio-activity, decreases the amount of water you need to add, and controls weeds.
Water in well. For the first two weeks you will need to deep water every three days or so, then change to a deep watering once a week if it does not rain. You can tell by the leaves if it is thirsty.
I recommended you fertilize citrus in April, May and June using an organic fertilizer like micro life citrus and fruit fertilizer (6-2-4). Most other trees I fertilize on Valentines Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but with citrus Feb 14 is too soon to stimulate growth. The first year use about 4 cups of organic fertilizer in April and 2 cups in May and 2 cups in June. Sprinkle the fertilizer on the ground a bit past the dripline.
In year two and three double that amount. It should not be necessary to fertilize after year three.
Do not fertilize in the late summer or fall. If any pruning is needed do it in April.
It is a good idea after a year or two to prune off the lower branches so that the fruit does not sit on the ground.

Potted trees
Improved Meyer lemon, Satsumas, Key limes, kumquats and Calamondin oranges all can grow in a pot especially if grafted to flying dragon dwarfing rootstock.
If you plan to keep the tree in a pot you should repot it to a 20 gallon pot, 18” to 20” in diameter. Buy a quality potting soil like Nature’s Way citrus mix and plant the tree in the new pot at the same height that it was in the smaller pot. Water thoroughly once a week most of the year, but you will have to water every other day in a dry August. Citrus does not like soggy soil, but never let it dry out completely. Make sure the water is getting to the roots and not just running out the drain holes.
Fertilize as recommended above but every year because it cannot mine for nutrients from the soil.

Dancing with lambs

This little ewe lamb, born with a dot on her neck, looked like she should be called Polka.

And we’re off with a theme for the season.

This years line will include Foxtrot, Rumba, Tango, Jitterbug, Salsa, Flamenco, Fandango, Cha-cha-cha, Samba, Mambo, Two Step, and Cotton Eyed Joe. My granddaughter had already named her sheep Hairspray and five of the ewes have been sold before we got them named. That’s good. We were running out of dance steps.

We have some very good ram lambs available. Contact me for information.

Gulf Coast sheep are incredibly adapted to our climate and we love how easy they are to work with.

Raise chickens! Get free eggs!

So the high cost of food is wrecking your budget. Why not raise your own chickens and get eggs every day, paying only for a little feed?
First you need chickens. You buy them as babies, preferably only a few days old. You can select from many different breeds and they lay different colored eggs. Eggs–some are dark brown, some light brown, some white and even some green ones. Baby chicks will cost less than $4.00 each. The first four weeks you have the chicken you need to keep them very warm, so you need an area you can keep at 90˚ or so. You will need to check on them often to make sure they are not too hot or too cold.
After that they can go out into a forever home where they need to have laying boxes, protection from rain and bad weather, and security from predators. You can buy chicken coops for a few hundred dollars or you can design and build one yourself. If you want good pasture raised eggs, you will need a fenced run for them to spend their days.
I prefer rotating them between two different runs so there is a constant supply of fresh vegetation that you will have to plant for them. They eat a bit of greens every day and love to forage for bugs.
You will need to close them up every night and let them out every morning.
You will have to buy feeders and waterers, and get them the best organic feed available. I use Coyote Creek Organic feed. It is available at about $.70 a pound retail. I get a better price, buying by the barrel. The average chicken eats about one quarter pound a day.
Once you get the chicken you will have to take care of it for about six months before you get your first egg. After that you should expect about five eggs a week from one chicken. It will vary with the seasons and the breed, but that is an average.
You will need to train your pets to not chase, harass or kill chickens.
So let’s say you buy four hens, you are getting 20 eggs a week, and they are eating $4.90 of feed during that week.
Altogether, after two years, including the first six months before they began laying, you have spent $509 on feed for 128 dozen eggs. That means you are able to have fresh pasture raised eggs for only $3.97 per dozen. That is assuming you have no loss of feed due to rodents or rain. Thank goodness there were no coons, snakes, owls or hawks (to name a few) and all your hens survived. Every predator eats chickens. Many eat eggs. Of course, there is a time chickens molt and may not lay for a week or so.
And we are not including the initial cost of the chickens, the feeders and waterers, and the cost of the coop and the run. Then, of course, there is labor, but that was free.
This is all happening under ideal conditions.
So why pay $6.00 to $7.00 for eggs at the farmers market when you can raise them yourself and get eggs for free?
We raise chickens because we love raising chickens.
When we want to get rich we will come up with another plan.
I highly recommend raising chickens. Just not as a way to save money on eggs.